Jumat, 08 Februari 2013

Le metiers activite

Decrire les activite (anglais)
In this picture we were watching our own video. So that time we were told to make a ‘fake’ biography of ourselves and also before that we already make some question to interview our friend. The situation is searching for a work, one people is the interviewer and the other one is the one who search for a work. Each one of us wrote a work that we offer in the paper and fold it, if someone take the paper that we make we will interview them. Alghiery took my paper that time (we took it like playing lottery) so I was the one who interviewed him. I offered a work as a chef but his experience didn’t fit the criteria so I didn’t hired him. After all of us had done the interview we watched ourselves in the projector and Mr.Fabien corrected our vocabulary or grammar if it’s wrong.

Dialogue (français)
Employer             : Bonjour!
Candidat              : Bonjour monsieur!
Employer             : Oui, comment vous s’appelle?
Candidat              : Je m’appelle Fellingga, je habite à corèe
Employer             : Qu ‘est-ce que votre diplôme?
Candidat              : Je licence un masteur en danseur
Employer             : Bien! Nous cherchez a choreographier . Quel experience avez-vous?
Candidat              : Je fait trios experience : je photographier pour EXO et SNSD, un stage SM 6 ans et YG      
                             stage 6 mois.
Employer             : Oui oui, vous commencez lundi!
Candidat              : Merci monsieur!

Je dois ameliorer mon vocabulaire et grammaire. Je sens que je me suis ameliore a parlant depuis grade 7. Je
peux prononce parle bien. J'aime l'activite parce que c'est bon et interessant.

1 komentar:

  1. Ton entretien était très bien mais malheureusement Alghiery n’était pas le candidat idéal…
